Ulpan Sheli



Questions Ulpan Voucher Program

Have you made Aliyah for less than 10 years? Don’t lose your rights as a new immigrant!

Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

Pre-registration does not commit you to anything. It will allow our advisers to have more details on your preferences, your availability and to better adapt to your profile. After analysis of your file, we will contact you to explain the rest of the procedure.

Pre-register by clicking here .

As a new immigrant, you are entitled to a private ulpan 100% reimbursed by the Ministry of Absorption within 10 years of Aliyah.

You only have to meet two conditions to be reimbursed:

  • Collect your voucher from your adviser at the Ministry of Absorption.
  • Be present at a minimum of 80% of classes

Do you need help with your administrative procedures?

Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

The refund procedure is very simple.

As soon as you receive your voucher, send it to your adviser. The latter will register you as a student in our ulpan and will regularly send you the documents, which confirm your participation, to be sent to the Ministry.

You will then be reimbursed in three stages:

  • First refund after one month: 2000 Shekels
  • Second refund  at the end of your ulpan, after your test: 2000 Shekels

Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

The voucher is proof that you are eligible for reimbursement from your private ulpan.

To obtain your voucher, simply send an email to your adviser at the Ministry of Absorption with your name and teudat zehut number. You will receive it within 48 hours.

Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

Depending on your availability, you can choose to have lessons two to three times a week.

The duration of your program will therefore depend on the frequency of your lessons. To give you an idea, the average duration of the Ulpan Voucher is 4-5 months.

The Ulpan Voucher Program offers you the possibility to choose between zoom or face-to-face classes.

Want more information about our teaching method? Click here.

>> Want more information about our teaching method? Click here

We are committed to respecting all the directives issued by the Ministry of Health.

The small numbers of our classes allow us to continue to offer you face-to-face lessons while respecting social distancing measures. Each class has been rearranged to allow each student to be seated at a sufficient distance from other students and to have an individual table.

We also ask each student to keep their mask on for the duration of the course.

Despite the current circumstances, we are doing our best to ensure continuity in your Hebrew learning.

If you have to go into confinement, our team will provide your teacher with a computer so that you can follow the course in zoom.

In the event that the government puts in place a lockdown, your training could continue online from your home.

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Oulpan Sheli numbers

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Amazing teachers
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Years of experience
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Ulpan Online

Take a level test, complete the payment and start your lessons in the class that suits you best.

Would you like to sign up ?
Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

To be able to register for the Ulpan Online Program, you just need to be motivated to learn Hebrew and to have a sufficient internet connection to follow a Zoom course.

Would you like to sign up ?
Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

The duration of the Ulpan Online Program will vary depending on your availability. We offer formulas from 1 to 5 months, two hours a week.

Would you like to sign up ?
Contact us by email, phone or WhatsApp :

Le Programme Oulpan Online est un programme qui se déroule exclusivement en ligne. The Ulpan Online Program is a program that takes place exclusively online. Our teachers have been specially trained to make the best use of the various tools offered by online courses and to adapt their learning method to this new digital format. >> Want more information about our teaching method? Click here.

In addition to the online course, I will have access to:

  • Online support
  • Class recordings
  • A WhatsApp group where your teacher can summarize the important concepts.

Super efficient teachers
and an excellent method!


Ulpan Online Programme

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